H. P. Lovecrafts Nyarlathotep (Englisch)
Regisseur: Mario Weiß Autor: H. P. Lovecraft Spieldauer: 00:14:00 Sprecher: Dominik Valentin Peter Erschienen am: 31. Januar 2025

H. P. Lovecrafts Nyarlathotep (Englisch)

No one who is listening to him will ever forget him: Nyarlathotep – the Crawling Chaos.

Who or what is Nyarlathotep? An artist, a scholar, a prophet …? Only one thing is for sure: Wherever the Egyptian shows up, he implants cosmic horror into the people’s minds. What has been premonition yesterday has become horrible certainty today. Where is mankind going? From light into darkness, from city to wilderness, along the ruins of our civilisation … straight into the heart of chaos.

But rarely Nyarlathotep has been more appealing than in the actual prose poem.

That of course is also due to the irrational, dreamlike narrative tone. The narrator Dominik Valentin Peter takes up Lovecraft’s voice in a congenial way. By virtue of his recitation, he actually is bringing the visions of the cosmic evangelist to life. Last but not least the suggestive sounddesign plays a part in creating an atmosphere of fear and desperation.

Regisseur: Mario Weiß Autor: H. P. Lovecraft Spieldauer: 00:14:00 Sprecher: Dominik Valentin Peter Erschienen am: 31. Januar 2025

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Nyarlathotep - Hörprobe (Hörbuch)